Estuarine Village Resort Bhitarkanika

If you are looking for the best hotels in Bhitarkanika, Estuarine Village Resort is, by far, the best available accommodation in Bhitarkanika. Estuarine Village Resort, a riverside resort, situated in Nalitapatia Village, is the perfect place to stay in Bhitarkanika.

Estuarine Village Resort has a natural setting. The resort has all modern facilities, comfortable big-sized rooms, 24 hour water supply in the room, power back up and lots of open spaces and greenery. Estuarine Village Resort maintains the rustic rural style as well. The staff employed at Estuarine Village Resort is all from local villages. It is a humble effort on the part of the resort to create some gainful employment and support village economy in a small way.

Are you wondering how to reach Bhitarkanika? Reaching Bhitarkanika is relatively easier now. Roads are built right till the resort and beyond. Bhitarkanika, and Estuarine Village Resort, is well connected by roads from Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Bhadrak and Kolkata.

Bhitarkanika Mangrove is the second largest mangrove forest in India. It consists of three parts – Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhitarkanika National Park, and Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary.


Estuarine Village Resort Bhitarkanika

Village Resort near Kolkata, Estuarine Village Resort, is simply the best place to stay in Bhitarkanika. It is the only accommodation in Bhitarkanika which really looks like a resort in true sense. Bhitarkanika is an offbeat destination near Kolkata. Guests can stay at Estuarine Village Resort and enjoy Bhitarkanika as a weekend destination from Kolkata.
A resort should have open spaces, greenery, playing area and other diversities. Estuarine Village Resort Bhitarkanika, with a spread of over 4 acres, guarantees those.

This Village Resort has 12 cottages – all made in different styles. Pathways are well laid out and there are around 1000 plants of different sizes and varieties. Guavas, cashew nuts, neem, coconut trees can easily be seen. There are four ponds of different sizes. Fish is reared in those, but not for commercial purposes. Lots of birds do come to these ponds to prey on these fish. Bonfire on a cool evening in the resort is really a nice experience.

River Brahmani flows right in front of the resort. Stepping out from the resort you can see the confluence point of River Brahmani and River Baitarni. If lucky, you can spot a crocodile basking in the sun there itself during low tide. And, on a really lucky day, you can also spot a lot of Irrawady dolphins right in front of the resort, a Village resort near Kolkata.

Guests can come to Bhitarkanika for wildlife sightings, bird watching, eco-tours, family holidays, corporate gatherings, team building exercises, student group outings or day activities. Estuarine Village Resort Bhitarkanika is a perfect for all these activities. While we are not a luxury resort, for now, but we ensure clean big-sized comfortable rooms, home style food, and a very personal touch in almost everything.

We bring you a mix of local village traditions and all basic modern facilities, enough for having fun-filled stay of a few days.

Indulge in boating, trekking, forest safaris, nature walks in village – indulge in whatever you feel like doing. Do the things in Bhitarkanika you have never done before. As a weekend tour from Kolkata you can be in Bhitarkanika at this resort and do something you would like to do or something you always fancied, but never got a chance to do.

So, go out for fishing, go to beaches, venture out to see rural life, or sit by riverside – make yourself soak in rich nature.

Our Resort Facilities

hotel bed 02
Non AC Rooms

Rooms with attached Bath & Western style Toilet.

power supply 02
Power Back up

We have 24×7 Power backup facility in our resort

hot cold water 01
24 Hours Running Water

24×7 Running cold water and hot water (on demand) facility

restaurant 04

Multi Cuisine Restaurant having variety of food items.

car parking 04
Car Parking

Car Parking facilities inside our resort compound.

fishing 04

Angling/Fishing facility available in our resort’s ponds

television 01
Satellite Television

We have Satellite Television facility in most of the Rooms and Dining Hall

bonfire 01
Bon Fire

We can arrange bonfire in the evening for guests.

car 03
Car Hire

We can arrange Car/Taxi for hire on Chargeable basis.

boat 07
Boat Hire

We can arrange Boat for hire on Chargeable basis.

doctor 03
Doctor on Call

We have facility for Doctor on call (Chargeable)

laundry 05

We have Laundry facility for our Guests on chargeable basis.

More Useful Information

atm 03

Rajnagar (30km)

hospital 04
GOVT. Hospital

Rajnagar (30km)

hospital 03
Primary Health Centre

Khamarsai Village (3km)

ambulance 03

Khamarsai Village (3km)

police station 02
Police Station

Talchua (13km)

market 04

Khamarsai Village (3km)
