Estuarine Village Resort Bhitarkanika

Contact Us

Please Contact us over WhatsApp or write to us over email for booking rooms at Estuarine Village Resort Bhitarkanika. You can also contact us for booking the complete tour packages to Bhitarkanika and rest of Odisha and India.

Excursion2India is our tour and travel partner for arranging tours anywhere in India, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Excursion2India also arranges outbound tours to foreign locations like Thailand, Bali, Maldives, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai and Europe.

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    Find Our Location

    The entire team at ESTUARINE VILLAGE RESORT is available and happy to answer your questions. We invite you to contact us in a way that is most convenient for you.

    Estuarine Village Resort, Bhitarkanika National Park, Nalitapatia Village, Rajnagar Block, Kendrapara District, Odisha, 754248
    +91 774 996 0882
    +91 977 781 5625
    Central Business Services, 26 Chittaranjan Avenue, 3rd Floor, (Landmark:- Next to Khadi Gramodyog) Kolkata, West Bengal, PIN– 700012
    +91- 9163580464
    +91 9875310291(Whats App)
    B-716, Sanskriti Vihar, GC-10, Sector- 16C, Gaur City, Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, 201301. INDIA
    +91 987 531 0291
    Invitation Travel, Mumbai, Maharashtra
    +91 982 075 5660
    +91 982 075 1737