Estuarine Village Resort Bhitarkanika

Information For Visitors

The core area of Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary has been notified as Bhitarkanika National Park since 1998. This is spread over an area of 145 sq km. This area has much significance with regard to ecological aspects as it includes mangrove forests, rivers, creeks, backwaters, estuaries and salt water crocodiles.

Time to Visit

Open For Tourists: 1st August to 30th April every year

Closed for Tourists: 1st May to 31st July every year and for a week normally in the Winter for crocodile census (this year it will close for census between 5th January 2024 to 13th January 2024).

Best time to visit for birds: – 1st August to 20th November

Best time to visit for crocodiles: – 1st October to 20th of April

Entry Formalities:

One can get a permit from Khola Forest Gate before visiting the Sanctuary by boat.

Requirements For Indians:

  • Photocopy of any photo Id is a must. Tourists must, however, carry the originals also.
  • Indians are charged Rs.40 (can be revised by Forest Department any time) for entry by boat.
  • Camera fee is additional to this. Still & Digital cameras are charged at Rs.50/camera.
  • Video Camera is charged at Rs.500/camera.
  • These charges can, however, be revised by Forest Department any time.

Requirements For Foreign Nationals:

  • A copy of passport, visa and one recent passport size photograph
  • Originals of the documents need to be shown at the time of taking permit.
  • Still & digital Cameras are charges at Rs.200/camera.
  • Video camera is charged at Rs.10000/camera.
  • These are the charges collected directly by the Forest Department at the time of entry and can be revised any time.


  • Obtain entry permit before entering into the park.
  • Always use licensed boat. The boatman is your first guide.
  • Observe perfect silence while moving in the Sanctuary.
  • Keep your eyes and ears open to observe nature at its best.
  • Use biodegradable containers to carry your eatables.
  • Do not throw the leftover in the rivers ever. Ask the boatmen and they will help you dispose them.
  • Carry sufficient drinking water always
  • If possible, carry a binocular to observe birds and other small animals.
  • Obey the rules and regulations of the park. Violation of these can lead to prosecution or fines or both


  • Do not feed animals in the forest or at breeding centre. You can be prosecuted or fined for this or both.
  • Do not go to the forest getting drunk. Do not drink intoxicating materials on boat also. This can prove dangerous to your life.
  • Do not tease animals. It keeps animals under stress and they may turn aggressive.
  • Do not use blaring musical appliances. It disturbs the animals and against rules
  • Do not venture out at night. It might be dangerous.
  • Do not cook food inside the park. It is punishable and it may lead to forest fires
  • Do not go too close to the water in any case. There might be a lurking Crocodile and your life can be in danger
  • Do not carry firearms and explosives – It is punishable.
  • Do not carry meat and meat products. It is prohibited.
  • Do not pluck flowers, fruits or any other plant parts.
  • Above all, do not use plastic and plastic derivative containers – it may cause health hazard to animals. Be responsible tourists.


Bhitarkanika is located at the east-coast of Bay of Bengal and hence the weather remains wet and humid. The temperature varies between 12 degree Celsius in winter to 40 degree Celsius in Summer.

July – August

Rainy & can be moderately windy (Minimum Temperature 25°C, Maximum 34°C)

September – November

Pleasant & a little windy (Minimum Temperature 20°C, Maximum 30°C)


Moderately Cold & a little windy (Minimum Temperature 14°C, Maximum 27°C)

January – February

Cold & a little windy ( Minimum Temperature 12°C, Maximum 27°C)

March – April

Moderately Hot & can be moderately windy (Minimum Temperature 23°C, Maximum 35°C)

May – June

Moderately Hot (Minimum Temperature 25°C, Maximum 40°C)
