Getting Around


There are a number of interesting activities one can do in Bhitarkanika tour or on the way to Bhitarkanika.

Pentha Sea Beach

Thinking of Getting Around Bhitarkanika, the first place which you should explore is Pentha Sea Beach. This is some 30 odd kilometer from Estuarine Village Resort Bhitarkanika.

The beach is spectacular, and is a part of the Gahirmatha Beach stretch. This was once regularly used for nesting by Olive Ridley turtle. Forest Department has started a hatchery for the Olive Ridley turtle eggs on one side of the beach for their better conservation. Plans are afoot to involve children from schools in Odisha and also local population to spread awareness.

Flat bed and pollution free environment with casuarinas trees visible from a distance – the beach is a lovely place for beach lovers. This is also a potential lovely place for foreigners who want to tan.

Pentha Sea Beach is definitely one of the best beaches you will ever across for swimming, but this is somewhat less explored.

Village Walk

Bhitarkanika has a number of villages scattered all along the forest. Villages around Bhitarkanika are a heaven for anyone interested in rural tourism. One can see large tracts of lands under paddy cultivation. There are several villages where tourists can visit and take a walk. They can look at the rural cultures, their lifestyle and activities.

There are some villages which are dependent on fishing. One such prominent village is Talchua, which survives on fishing. Sea trawlers can be seen here and on sale are different kinds of sea fish and prawns. Incidentally, this is the place where River Brahmani meets Bay of Bengal.

Dhamra Port, now owned by Adani Group, is a short distance by boat from here. One can also visit Udabali, a virgin island located just opposite Dhamra Port.


This is a Buddhist site which can be reached taking a short detour from the Paradeep – Chandikhole National Highway. Earliest Buddhist Complex here can be dated back to the 1st Century AD.

Lalitgiri, together with nearby Ratnagiri and Udaigiri, forms an important node of what is referred to as Diamond Triangle.

Excavations here have brought to light significant archaeological materials that uphold Lalitgiri as a great Buddhist attraction. The majestic ruins of the huge brick monastery, the remains of the chaitya hall, a number of votive stupas and a renovated stone stupa at the apex of a small rugged sandstone hill dominate the rural greenery around. In addition, the museum displays a large number of Mahayana sculptures consisting of colossal Buddha figures, huge Boddhisattva statues, statues of Tara, Jambhala and others. All these show influence of Gandhara and Mathura School of Art.

This also brings to mind the fact of Prajna, who had come from Takshasila to ancient Odisha to learn the philosophy of Yoga. He later left for China in the 8th Century AD with an autographed manuscript of the Buddhist text Gandavyuha from the then Odisha king Sivakara Deva 1. He took this to the Chinese Emperor Te-tsong.

The discovery of caskets containing sacred relics from the stone stupa at the top of the hill further enhances the sacredness of Lalitgiri for Buddhists around the world.

Lalitgiri was probably mentioned by Hiuen Tsang, a Chinese traveller, as Puspagiri Mahaviahara.


Ratnagiri monastery, situated on a flat hill-top, can be reached by taking a detour of 20km from Paradeep – Chandikhole National Highway. This was one of the Buddhist sites along with Lalitgiri and Udaigiri which forms the Diamond Triangle of Buddhist sites in Odisha.

Ratnagiri might have been chosen for the seclusion and the serene and calm atmosphere necessary for monastic life and meditation studies. Excavations conducted by Archaeological Survey of India during 1960’s yielded the remains of an impressive Stupa (Stupa 1) surrounded by a large number of votive Stupas of varying dimensions, two quadrangular monasteries (Monasteries 1 and 2), a single winged huge monastery with beautiful carved door jamb and lintel, spacious open courtyard, cells and verandah facing the courtyard with spacious sanctum enshrining colossal Buddha. The existence of temple with curvilinear tower is only one of its kinds discovered in Odisha.

It is clear from the excavations that the Buddhist establishment of Ratnagiri, dating from circa 5th Century, witnessed a phenomenal growth in religion and architecture till the 13th Century. Large number of stone sculptures, few bronze and brass image of Buddha and Buddhist pantheon recovered during excavations tend to prove that Ratnagiri was a great Tantric center of Buddhism comparable to that of Nalanda in Bihar.

By the end of 13th Century, it was on decline, but it continued till about the 16th century. A Tibetan history, the Pag Sam Jon Zang, identifies Ratnagiri as an important center in the development of the Kalachakratantra in the 10th Century. This is well supported by the discovery of a number of votive stupas, plaques, and other artifacts featuring Kalachakra imagery.


Udayagiri, which forms the third angle of the Diamond Triangle along with Lalitgiri and Ratnagiri, is situated close to Ratnagiri. Together with Lalitgiri and Ratnagiri it formed part of Puspagiri University.

As per epigraphic artefacts found here, its historical name was Madhavapura Mahavihara. Numerous excavations by the Archaeological Survey of India have been going on here ever since 1958. During excavations from 1997 to 2000, a second part (Udayagiri-2) was discovered with additional stupas and monasteries.

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